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billkhiz YT

A member registered Jan 31, 2022

Recent community posts

Really cool documentary game!

8/8 would go camping again

Really cool game! A few bugs with the wall running but pretty good overall.

Really enjoyed it!

Love the game and wish it was longer. Like DogeKingElite said below, when you find the time machine be careful to only click it once otherwise the game freezes.

Look forward to a sequel!

8/8 jump scare

I learnt a new word

No seriously, how did you know my name haha?

Love this game. It looks like it's been a short while since this has been released but please tell me there's a sequel.
(1 edit)

Interesting concept!

Absolutely love the style and story. Hope there's a sequel in the making! 

8/8 would never play again

8/8 Jumpscare 

Great story and love the music!

Really cool concept! Look forward to future games!

Had a lot of fun with it! 

Really enjoyable and funny game! I found 6 endings in total including the bug haha

Enjoyed it and really liked the trivia aspect with the radio hosts. Looking forward to future games!