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A member registered Jun 17, 2022

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Saying that this game is amazing is an understatement! 

Before playing Mr. Wellerman's Ball Shapiro's Ascension I was a loner, I had no friends, I found it hard to talk to girls, my grades were terrible, and my entire family shunned me!

After I played this game I became a different person. I used to be 5"5, but now I am 6"3.

My grades have miraculously improved. At the start of the year, I was failing all of my courses, but now I am on the list of students who achieved academic excellence.

 I now have a massive friend group.

I also no longer have trouble trying to strike up a decent conversation with girls anymore because they're always the ones trying to talk to me.

And lastly, my family no longer thinks I was a mistake!

The game itself is magnificent, you can tell how much work was put into making it and just how passionate Mr. Wellerman is about making games about balls. The game's complex, multifaceted message is hidden behind a web of stories steeped in surrealism, that touches upon the concept of death, to unraveling the depths of the human psyche. These are notions that will not leave an impact on you immediately, but ones that will sink in over time.

Thank you Mr. Wellerman for making such a beautiful game.