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A member registered Feb 03, 2023 · View creator page →

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data.sav unlocked sandbox.

also for anyone wanting to download it, note that it'll change your settings.

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it might be that data.sav tracks the day in a way that is different from the game saves.
i should look into how a fresh data.sav updates between a played day. (i tried, above my skills)

Running it with proton is a good alternative for now. Water is a bit glitchy, otherwise i have no issues with it.

Is there a way to disable certain modules.
Bought the server alarm and i really regret buying it now. At least i have something i fear more than the aliens now.

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After a few days here is what i have to say.

Love the game, it's really fun. Even though i hate horror, but i'm in too much love with the mundanity of the core gameplay loop to stop playing it.

Had an annoying bug:
I had an issue where i couldn't rename signals on the computer (fixed on reload). At the same time there was an unknown signal in the list that i could delete, that disappeared after reloading.

Also a few suggestions:

1. Make radar ping when crossing entities (would recommenced having a way to filter out player owned entities, but ping on player), instead of a ping every revolution. Could imagine that could create some fun if there's multiple entities are present.

2. ATV storage module
3. Door backup battery module. If power goes out (or you turn of breaker) the battery will keep the doors looked for a couple of minutes. But you have to install a battery in both doors, and replace them when empty.

4. Make getting 100.0%/99.9% on the filters more difficult without upgrades (maybe normally 60%-70% max un-upgraded). Makes getting those upgrades that improve the filters more of a priority the player can do.

Bought it today. Been playing for 4 hours, Good Game. Excited to see how the game develops further.

Only recommendation is to add a I'm stupid at maths setting that simplifies or replaces the maths minigame.

Also for any linux users that might be interested in playing: use proton