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A member registered Mar 22, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much for this amazing game! As many people here already said - it really hit me right at mah feels because al my life I have struggle with little "Geist" in my head too and its only been recently when I started to "tune" out all negative self talk I can have with mysef. Also that part about being quiet and not kmwoiung what to say when conversations dies down was really really relatable and its not something many of any people can understand about me so I am glad I am not alone at having moments like this. Idk it makes me reassured about myself and really people like us really need someone as good hearted as Kalei lol (or maybe I am projecting too much here)- Also I am all for niche interests I could have whole hour long conservations with my online friend about my fav anime or movie or even game we both like but irl there are rarely people who would understand that which also doesnt help with my self confidence in general. Eithe way nce again thank you so  much for all your work on this game - theme, characters, VAs - everything is amazing and i cant wait to see what you come up with next. 

hi. well i unzipped it properly i think and ofc i restarted game from my last saved slot multiple times and still doesnt work :/. All it shows me is : 

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aaa thank u so much its ok now it worked! unfortunately there occured some loading problem with file righ after mel invited mc to coffee. i hop theres a way to fix it. have a nice day :)

i love this game so much already but im a bit stuck on part where mel leaves shopping and Im left to look for charger for phone. Ive been trying to click everything I could but I cant find how to proceed. Any tips/advice pls? thank u in advance and thank u for amazing games!

so cute cozy and emptional little game! exactly what I needed at my point of life thank you

the game is really good and i cant wait for a sequal! highly recommneded if you love drama or thrillers

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I cried so much halfway through but I manged to get true romantic ending on first try! I dont think I am ready to play other endings but i really really enjoyed the game this is the first time  in a while that VN managed to make me cry. Emily is super relatable and despite the fact there is only one romanceable character for her it was a nice change to have a focus on something else - family nonetheless which you do not see often in VN and gave the game more realistic approach. Also voicing acting is very good and really made me get even more indulged in game !