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Big Pie

A member registered Feb 20, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks Paolino, we all really appreciate your words! We hope to get it finished in the next week or so!

Congrats on finishing your project, we didn't quite get ours finished unfortunately, we uploaded 20 seconds before the deadline!

Thanks dude, we're gonna finish it for sure, it's comments like these that spur us on! 

How close were you to the deadline?

(1 edit)

Below you will find the manual you can't access in the top left of the game. We wanted to swap the word combos for hieroglyphics and then swamp out the number combos below with the same hieroglyphics, the player could then flick between the manual and what's on-screen to decipher the code:


As a brand new team, we tried as hard as we could to get a finished product submitted but time was just not on our side. When we get the opportunity we will post patches and finish what we started! It's been such a fantastic experience and we want to thank everyone involved, it just goes to show you what you can achieve in a week!

20 seconds to the deadline for us... 

Protocol Unity community · Created a new topic Pressure

The pressure is mounting, who else is feeling the crunch?

Last push guys!