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well I've got a few suggestions

Your prob already planning on adding this but just in case I would suggest a lot more scenes with all the girls.

In terms of gameplay mechanics, I think a dart trap would make a good addition and maybe they have an option to laced with something from one of the girls.

An oil trap might also work, it could easily be paired with the fire trap which the hero will take more dmg or could give a boost to the tentacle trap making it so the hero will stay in it longer

maybe have a minion roaming the halls like a slime that could tie into another trap like the tentacle one, the slime could be similar to gas where it stays on you and adds dmg to other traps or could act as a possible mine where once the hero gets into a trap it activates in some way that will make the hero take more dmg or give them a stronger scent so it ties in with one of the girls 

A minion to reset a previous trap after the hero falls through the trap door

 a net or web trap could be used like gas so the hero takes more damage or make it harder for them to get out of other traps so they take more dmg or it could lead to special scenes with the girls where they find the hero and it leads to something else, and it could tie into the girl that deals with strings

In terms of new girls, someone mentioned a tentacle-based girl I agree with that idea, but I would like to suggest a more muscular girl and maybe a slime girl

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ill give it a shot

 im not sure if your game was taken down from the main page but when i search for it it doesn't come up just wanted to let you know

i played for a little bit and so far the story is interesting and the art is good but the save system is a bit confusing since it does not show an image or anything that a save file is in the slot and i think the UI needs an overhaul and maybe a backward text feature to go back and see alternative outcomes but this would just be worked around with a bit of a better save system, otherwise i look forward to the games future.

I've come across some problems with the game crashing, I'm not sure of the exact reason but it seems to happen mostly when I'm running through the lands, usually holding left click down, and when I'm speeding through texts

I like the use of the TF2 soundtrack in the train station, I'm only a few minutes in and I think I'm going to like the game already

you can either extract the files or if for some reason you have winRaR you can open it there. you can do both by right clicking on the downloaded file

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also not sure if these are bugs butt, if you skip the intro then you will always have the intro quest to talk to your friend, then for "Who's the prettiest quest" I picked both and never picked one over the other and waited till I could eat them both, so it says I have to go find and claim my reward but I can't cuz I ate them both at once, or at least I think that's why I'm not sure.

There have also been a few model breaks where they would freeze up on my screen even after dialogue, this one is specific, and spoilers if you don't want any vore scenes spoiled but after you use the lamia potion on the second room up the stairs in the church and get into the sacrifices room and eat all 4 girls then if you head to the red fox lady in the pred hide out with a full belly the models will freeze up on the screen, it can be removed by talking that has another model pop up but not by going through doors.

I just recently found a game crash bug while double-checking to make sure the last bug I talked about was correct, if you swallow Sophie and try to open your inventory it will say " Failed to load: img/characters/%24EatSophie.png" and give you a retry prompt that doesn't work and will force you to restart the game.

Also, I'm in version 0.2.2

gotta buy version 2.3 or wait for it to be free