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A member registered Apr 12, 2022

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Gain game probably won't be doing that since the game is fully out already. I think the only thing they didn't patch was in the mobile version of the game you still won't be allowed to move after playing the inflation mini game 

It's not about rank, it's about progressing the story

Honestly you're gonna need to gain more weight, or at least increase your capacity. The mini game isn't broken at all and in the later stages it's super easy to win

Okay, so I haven't played enough of the game just yet, I'll wait until I finish it to post an actual review, but I do have some things to say so far. 
1) I think the changes to the game are good it makes the overall enjoyment better

2) the character customizer is amazing, finally we can determine what our character will look like 

3) the inflation minigame I have to things to say about it, I actually love the fact that it can't be cheesed anymore, it used to make the game not last at all. However, at least on my end, it's broken. What I mean by that is anytime I exit the minigame, I can't move anywhere, I've tried this on both PC and Mobil. I don't know if this is just happening to me, or if this has happened to everyone else, or hell if there's a new update that's out that I just didn't know about that I haven't gotten yet. the only way I found how to fix this is by saving and quitting the game every time I want to play it.

Overall I'm having a blast just playing it THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH FOR THIS GAIN GAME!!!!!!!!!!!

FINALLY!!!! I can't wait to play this later today

Yea, That's usually how I ended up playing. GainGame could've added a cap to this where once you got a certain amount you just won the mini game


Pretty sure you won't have to have it pre downloaded

We'll just say they're Easter eggs ;)

Glad to see someone else noticed

No idea, but GainGame wants to put it out by the end of summer 

Not out yet, only until the full release which will be the next update 

Got it to work >:)

600? I'm at 3k and that doesn't happen for me 

Release is looking promising, can't wait to buy it, after all you've put in your fair share of work, time for us the community to really show our support

Honestly, this is fair from GainGame, there are very few game devs that put this much effort into their games

if it's of any help, I'm playing on PC btw

honestly, the game's broken, I've read through the comments and everyone has the same issue, basically after the 3rd dagger the game becomes unplayable and unbeatable. the MC expansion stuff seems broken too, I was playing and my MC had a bottom heavy build, then decided to save and exit the game hoping it would solve the dagger issue, and came back to my MC having gigantic breasts with no ass. 
I've also circled the same root for over an hour and still the dagger spot doesn't show up.  

Oh yeah, it also helps to play the watering mini game more. The better you are, the bigger the belly, the easier it'll be 

Update, broke the game when I got her to 3000 lbs, the game just resets her :(

Update to previous post, got her to over 2000lbs, I really appreciate this game, JUST LOOK AT HOW BIG MY GIRL GOT

Oh also, I got her to be 1000lbs, and although the model doesn't show it unless you're asleep or doing the packaging minigame, if this is a sign of things to come then I absolutely can't wait to have her this big 

I know I'm very late to this but might as well talk about what hasn't been talked about yet, we'll start with the good:

Dialogue is great very hooked in on it can't wait to see what happens in the full release. The animation had me feral, so great job on that. In terms of money making, I think it's perfect right now, the package minigame feels good right now, and the coin toss one I'm a really big fan of. Sounds sound great (cause I'm a little freaky I can't wait for farts to be added). The fast travel options is honestly a great addition. I noticed you added the thong that I mentioned in the previous update, so honestly I'm really happy about that. I honestly think locking the customization is a good call since it gives us more to do. I noticed the dialogue bubbles too, honestly great addition cause it's easier to track who's got stuff to say. Overall both demo versions of the game are great, and I still can't wait for the full release.

Stuff to improve:

Starting out, I think the packaging minigame should be brought down to 2 energy. If you're like me, and have either amazing tapping skills, or be able to have a frictionless mouse scroller (where if you bind left click to down scroll you get an insane amount left clicks in a single second) you can easily max out your belly capacity in the first few times you play the inflation minigame. I think the weight gain stuff should come from actually feeding the character rather then the inflation minigame that can be cheesed easily. This might be an unpopular opinion since I know everyone wants to make her as huge as possible, but lets not kid ourselves, it's incredibly easy to get her to be huge. As for clothes, there's a few problems with the bra and the pasties, they just don't fit to well in my opinion. Although I do think that locking the customization options is good, I do think that the hair styles shouldn't since a lot of the time you'll just be using the default options until you unlock the coin flip minigame. I think that there should be a way to be able to replay the animations without having to restart the game. There are other issues, but they've already been talked about so I don't think I'll mention them here.


1) Does the weight bonus in the packaging minigame come from how much food was packaged, or how heavy your character is?

2) Do you have planned to add a way rub the playable character's belly? (I think this would be a great addition) 

2.1) In addition to question 2, have you planned a way for us the players to interact with the playable character aside from feeding them?

3) Is the playable map going to be expanded for if you add more characters to interact with?

4) For the full release, could the possiblity of missions be added? For example have a mission be to give the NPC's certain foods to get a reward from them.

5) Are you going to be releasing both PC and Mobile versions simultaneously from now on?

6) How are you doing? Have you been taking care of yourself, and looking after both your mental and physical states? 

okay after finally being able to check out the new update, I have a few things to say.
1) It looks amazing on PC, and the removal of the drag-and-drop feature is really good and just feels natural on PC. 

2) The WASD movement is a good addition, but I do find myself still just playing it with one hand if you know what I mean ;)

3) The packaging minigame can be very unfair in some moments, the timer for packaging the food can be WAY too fast, and you just straight up don't have time to package the food items. On a personal note, I do think that the packaging can feel awkward at times especially when you try to go from one end of the screen to the other. If there were a way to also get rid of the drag-and-drop feature in that minigame it might really help it out, but I wouldn't know how you would implement that. 

4) I don't know if you intended to get rid of the ability to make money off of the inflation minigame, but I am currently unable to make money off of it. 

5) Because the inflation minigame doesn't make money anymore, making money to buy food is WAY too slow, although I do really like the fact that the game does last longer because of it, it just doesn't feel right. 

6) I encountered a bug where if you save and quit the game it will reset your energy, making it so you never have to sleep. (I tried it like 5 times, so it wasn't a one-time thing) 

7) I noticed that clipping was less prominent in this so props to you

8) The dialogue was implemented well, so again, props to you 

Overall, the update is still great and most of it did translate well from mobile to PC, the packaging minigame doesn't feel all that good to play for me personally, visually the game looks great and I can't wait for the first full release of the game.

PS: if there is anything else I encounter, I'll probably make a follow-up post 


Happy to help anytime!!! As for the body types, I feel that you're still missing some more balanced "hour glass" bodies, and I guess a way to have a bigger bust on the character would be nice. (I did notice the slider for that already). Maybe a few different belly types, but I wouldn't know?

As for the audio, I think it should be a mixture of both random and related to feeding. By random, I mean like when you get bigger make the burps and farts random but also happen more often (I do think this would be hard to implement tho). In terms of feeding tho, I think it burps should happen when you eat, and farts when you digest. Maybe also make it so that when you eat it has a chance to do either or, like let's say candy has a 25%, burger 50%, bucket 75% and turkey 100%. That being said I do think that sound effects should be more of a paid release thing tho. (also didn't notice you already had sound in the game, it's really low and I just noticed it as I went back while writing this post)

I actually completely understand with the whole clipping thing it does look like a pain to manage, but if you think about it it makes sense that the bigger you get the less clothes would fit you XD XD. If I may request something tho, could you add a thong option as a clothing item, something like the underwear but it can't even cover the ass. 

As for the npc thing and where to put them, I think it would be pretty cool to just have like a pig pen thing where you're able to feed them (or just one but make them massive). Also I do think it would be neat that in order to get access to the Founder you would have to "sweet talk" your way through Stacy 😉😉. That being said, the feeding of multiple characters might just stem from the fact that I do kinda miss being able to feed multiple people from Virtual Gainer 1

Oh and I forgot to include this in my original post, but I do think there are too many roofed areas in the game, but that might just be me thing and it's not even an issue at all. Also I noticed you added a day night cycle thing, I'm a big fan of that. Also I don't know how everyone feels about the clipping I don't mind it that much, I mean hell from what I've seen of other weight gain games, you've put in so much effort in your game it's not even funny. Like most weight gain games there are are just visual novels.

Finally, would you happen to have a Patreon/discord/Twitter that I may follow, I would love to show my support there too!!! Again amazing content as always.

Just an update on that, all I had to do was close and reopen the game. Don't think you have to look into it

(1 edit)

Okay after playing it for a bit here's my thoughts:

I am extremely happy with the update, can't wait for the paid full release. On a personal note, although I do like that the ass gets bigger in this update compared to last, I do wish it could get even bigger, kinda like how the belly can get absurdly big. A body type customizer would be great too, but I know that'll probably be hard to add. I think we should also be able customize the height of the character. Ngl I'm actually kinda interested in the story (or dialogue) I'm a really big fan, and can't wait to see what the Founder looks like. As for the digestion system, I think it's perfect right now, I think any faster and it wouldn't make the game as fun. I think the shop is a great addition, and it does add some "balance" to the game. Lastly, the walking speed is great and the eating while walking mechanic is a perfect.

Ps: I do think that for the PC version there should be a setting to not use the drag and drop function. However, I would understand if you don't want to add it since you spent a lot of time working on the drag and drop function 

My questions:

1) Are you planning to add audio

1.1) If you are planning to add audio, are burps a consideration?

1.2) If you are planning to add audio, (although I know a lot of people aren't into this) would farts also be a consideration?

2) Are you planning to add giggle physics? (Would be pretty cool to see the character giggling around)

3) Is adding a way to feed the other NPCs possible?

3.1) If feeding other NPCs is possible, could feeding the founder and letting them get to an absurd size be possible? (I would assume you would only be able to do this after you get to a certain size yourself) 

Overall, I'm really liking your work, keep up the awesome job!!! I'll be waiting for the PC update. Please don't feel rushed, mental health is very important and you should look out for yourself 

NVM, I think it fixed itself when I closed and reopened the game

Having a clipping issue with the clothes, they just don't seem to work 

However I do think it's really funny to go for the whale build 😂😂

I am in love with the game, I do wish there was a way to transfer the belly fat to ass/boob fat tho