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Big boi56

A member registered Aug 01, 2021

Recent community posts

Here is are some  idea

Add vehicles like carts pulled by horses,or just horses etc.

Maybe add mounted weapons around the map like heavy crossbows

Add more weapons

Maybe you can add fire sources that allow us to light our arrows on fire and cause fire damage to the enemy 

For the upcoming game modes

I would like to see a full out war on a HUGE map ,something like Battlefield, with the objective to capture different areas , like area control.This is also where the ideas i mention above comes in.

Another game mode can be what I like to call Siege  ,where one team have to defend their castle while the other team have to escort a battle ram to the enemy castle.the defending team wins if they are able to keep out the ram until the time limit ,and the attacking team wins when they successfully destroy the castle front gates with the ram

I hope that this ideas does not change or unbalance the game,if they don’t ,I would like to see them in the near future