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A member registered Jul 14, 2018 · View creator page →

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I liked the way the bees navigated btw

First Attempt
Cute little game, nice job

(1 edit)

Its a little fun

Awesome game.
Well done.

nice. and i apologize for that old comment of mine.

(1 edit)

didn't intend for it to come across as rude, i personally think its all great art, the download method was pretty inconvenient thats all.

Update it please, its so good but needs polish

its fine, but maybe at least upload a file that has all of them for the poeple who do want that.

Finally tried it out, great game all things considered.

They are already outstanding, cant wait to see what you add next.

why didnt you just put them all in one file.
do you know how long itll take to download them all separately.

nice, now i dont have to use colored squares for testing my inventory system.
Thanks alot.

hmmm ,looks a bit Odd

Or he could get a real computer.

kinda wish i didnt delete monika when i did.
dont know if there was an end to her rant but now ill never know, not replaying again.
great game though, surprised there was horror in such a good game.
wish it had a true ending though where there wasnt death.

*reverse factorio*

you know how a computer works right?

Power Level community · Created a new topic Found a bug
(2 edits)

Just playing around and  i tried to slam as the boss crushed me.
Ended up getting set to the  -integer limit on the next frame.

action number 1
of Other Event: User Defined 3
for object Boss:

local variable yy(100004, -2147483648) not set before reading it.
at gml_Script_slam_on_player
stack frame is
gml_Script_slam_on_player (line -1)
called from - gml_Object_Boss_Step_0 (line -1) - <unknown source line>

Boost is broken. ended up getting 100 damage
Also not sure if its the end of the game but after the citys i get stuck with nowhere to go.

If this isnt your preferred game type why give it a bad review?

Amazing game

Explain why

Pretty damn good.
Well done

damn this file is big

pretty nice


Is what you meant to title this

Well done

also you may want to update its status.

Thats very unfortunate. This is a really cool game.

Pretty cool game overall.
Liked the puzzle aspect of it

Nice Work

Pretty cool

Please continue development

discovered an oversight.
entering the editor and and leaving it again resets the timer untill the next way. thus infinite stalling is possible.

another one

action number 1
of Alarm Event for alarm 0
for object obj_game_controller:

Memory allocation failed: Attempting to allocate 4000052 bytes
at gml_Script_part_list_create_sprite
stack frame is
gml_Script_part_list_create_sprite (line -1)

Amazing job btw this is extremely fun.

Looks like im the first to hunt down an error.

Win32 function failed: HRESULT: 0x887a0005

Call: GR_D3D_Device->CreateTexture2D at line 672 in file \TeturesM.cpp
Device lost - reason: 0x887a0020

I basically got a lot of fast firing weapons. Probably 200 projectiles on screen.
I was a bit overpowered.
I also managed to duplicate my inventory but haven't been able to reproduce.