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A member registered Jun 14, 2019 · View creator page →

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This was a unique experience to be honest o.o
Has a weird sort of unnatural, unnerving vibe to it.
It's like, really good at making that conversation seem as awkward as possible. It's geniuenly amazing. :D

ascended into heavens upon trying to drink petrol
10/10 will play again

i genuinely fucking love this

snek community · Created a new topic Fun.
(1 edit)

This game is fun :D

That's literally everything I wanted to say, I don't really know if there's an option to just comment, I'd much rather use it instead of making a community post about something as trivial lol

Edit: Just wanted to add that I've wasted 2 hours playing it and losing all over again yesterday, and it's the only reason why I really wanted to post a comment about it. :p



i love how the apk version is so much lighter than the pc one

Ill be working on a better, bug free and open source version of this game. :D


I'm very sorry about the inconvenience, but unfortunately i have deleted the source code of the game. The port right now would be possible, but only if i had the source code - without it there's no hope. I'm deeply sorry, i had a lot of fun participating in the game jam, even if my game can't be reviewed. Thank you very much for hosting the competition, i'm really thankful, but the game can't be ported to windows. :c

If you're using a multiplatform library for windowing, then please make a linux version :D

Thanks :D

Does the game have to be a windows (OS) game?

What operating systems the game is required to run on?

Can the game be linux-only / mac-only / windows-only or are some of these options forbidden?

I can only really make games for linux now, so an answer here would be much appreciated :D