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Bent Vector

A member registered Aug 16, 2018 · View creator page →

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Paladins get ready to block and roll!

Where to get support

Should you find yourself in trouble because of a bug or an issue, head over to our official official support page. There you can report bugs and find answers to the most common questions and known issues.

You can report bugs directly using one of the "Get started" buttons for either a bug report or a feature request. This would help us a lot because we get the feedback immediately and also see where in the game the bug occurred.

Of course, you can also ask the community for help using Steam Discussions or on our Discord server.

Share your adventures

We're eager to hear about your first impressions of the game!

Share your thoughts, screenshots or videos with us on social media, or right here on Steam. TwitterInstagramFacebookTikTok or Reddit.

If you use #paladinspassage and tag us (@bent_vector or @paladinspassage) in your posts, we'll be sure to hit you back.

Be sure to join our Discord to chat with everyone about your progress to conquer evil in the Forgotten Realm.

Join the Paladins!

Join our Discord if you want to chat about the game with us and our growing Bent Vector community.

You can also follow us on Twitter YouTube Twitch Facebook Instagram TikTok to stay up to date.

Known Issues and Limitations

There are a few known issues in release 1.0.1 of Paladin's Passage, many of which are listed on our bug reporting page. If you run into a different problem, please report it here, too.

I've posted a demo build of Paladin's Passage on Steam in preparation for their upcoming NextFest June 13-20. This has 10 levels of gameplay and lets you use the editor to create and play up to 3 custom levels locally.

The game will be entering early access on Steam the day after NextFest, so be sure to Wishlist it if you like what you see!

The levels aren't really re-playable, which might help with retention. For example, games like Angry Birds, Cut The Rope and others were sticky because they had more than just the linear path from start to finish; you could improve your score by trying levels repeatedly until you attained a 'perfect' score.

My new game (Paladin's Passage) had the same problem initially: once you completed a level, the only reason to go back would be to get a better time, which wasn't really incentivized. I completely revamped the level progression, eliminated the idea of lives, letting players replay levels as often as they wanted, and put non-linear goals (partially-hidden collectible 'secrets') in each level to incentivize replay to try to get a perfect score.

I agree with some of the other comments as well; the controls are still a bit janky. It is tough to get 'flow' going. Also definitely needs some sounds: music, environmental, etc.! Even a placeholder of something royalty-free would be an improvement.