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A member registered Dec 14, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thank you for playing! Yes I started off with grandiose plans for an in-depth ingredient system with more combinations and even the ability to mess up the order in more ways (too much cocoa, adding milk after whipped cream would cause it to mix in instead of sitting on top, etc.) Sadly ran out of time, but I will certainly plan ahead better next time!

So sorry about that! I'm very new to this and saw in the Unity editor something about the build being compatible with Windows, Linux, and Mac, so I just went with that. Will keep in mind for the future, thanks!

Thank you so much for the feedback! I watched the vod and it was very good insight! Completed forgot to add an explanation for controls and the mechanics, will definitely remember that for future jams. The clutter was because the original plan was to have orders be more varied, like using water instead of milk, cold instead of hot, and the ability to wash out cups to reset them if the player messed something up. So sorry you struggled with it but very happy you figured it out and were able to sink into it! Will definitely add a win/lose state as well in future jams. Great feedback and great stream!