I loved this silly little game
I felt like a mother duck trying to get all her ducklings to safety
It was amazing and I'd love to see more of it!
I loved every second of this game
From talking to Charon about monster trucks, to helping him to dicover his favourite food. Every single character iin this was able to discover something abou themselves.
The puzzles were the perfect difficulty to still be engaging and the story had so much depth while still being light enough to be fun and engaging.
An amazing experience that I would happily take again and again. An extended version would be amazing, but I feel that the current length of the game is actually perfect, each experience new and refreshing.
I loved this game so much
Eassily one of my favourites of all time
The first time I played it I just straight up called Luicifur without helping anyone. I had to go back through and on my second play through I managed to help everyone and get all 7 snowglobes. One of my favorourite parts was drawing on the walls with Natalie