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A member registered Oct 05, 2022 · View creator page →

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Great game, I really enjoyed playing it

The housing demand is higher when i don't have food compared to when i have, might be a bug. btw, what does housing development do and how much more can i increase the tax rate to when i have food?

After a few hours of grinding in total i've gotten to the point where i need to place like 2k silos to survive the winter, An idea of what could get added is mutli build, so i don't need to click alot

It's an great update! Would be cool to be able to build something more maybe like markets that could support the economy. and each market may need 10 population each to have enough workers to have it running.

Another cool thing would be some way to negoiate with the people attacking before, so maybe i could offer like 5,000 money to build an alliance and not get attacked and maybe possible to attack back.

Anyways, thanks for the update!

Working on an update right now! It will be possible to sell them later

Please release an update to this game, this is my favorite game on

is there gonna be an update soon? Would be cool to have more stuff


Would you be able to add a save system this week?

Btw, do you have an discord server for this game?


Another question, What happens if you have enough food for your population?

Another great game from JackPrograms as always! Been playing the game for like 2 days now spending a total of about 3-4 hours playing it in both school and at home. I really enjoy the game, but i've came to a point were the game is starting to get a bit boring. I'd recommend adding more things to the game to make it more fun.

Some ideas i had were:
* Maybe make so you can go around the map? since after i've reached everywere around the map, i am still able to purchase more land which i do, but i can't see the new land.
* Another idea were fishing, add fisheries near the water to earn fish, the fish could later on be eaten by the people or sold in markets. This could be a new income source for the game since i've had a problem with keeping enough food for my town during the winter.

* Save system, basically so your stats saves so you don't need to restart.
* Another cool thing would be graphs, so basically you could open like a stats tab were you would see stats along with a graph for example population

* Tourism would also be a cool feature for the game, Could be another income source

A few bugs i had while playing:
* Stats reseting whenever i reload the page

* Not being able to see my new land