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A member registered Jun 17, 2016

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Played the game last year at Madrid Games Week, and the demo reinforces how much i need the full version and wait will be worth it. Things i want to comment based on the demo.

1) It really needs a better introduction to the use of the social media and why that dream about pizza being eaten needs to be a total jerk in social media. It need better contextualization of the introduction of the story and mechanics. For example, first Hitman showed how you can have multiple ways to kill the same target in the same scenario with a hint system and that introduces you to mechanics and so on.

2) Suggestion: Missable opportunities to create drama moments, like locking you from certain paths if you did something in the same chapter or another before.

3) Keep going into the interface design... I felt confused about the icons of Galaxy an its chat, which, yes, i know that they're parodying that website witch chat, but icaons can be msileading. 

I understand fandoom is like, parodies of deep web, but it's difficult to read or navigate with so much details in the bacground.

Also, it's easy to get lost in Kiblitezer's usage and pages. Maybe change a little the background color if you're on "prost from thwe user" and "post about the user" and "pending"? Can't recall that happened or not, but hope if it isnt ther,e it can change so it can be more understandable.

Also, that Instagram parody, is very confusing about how the posts are arranged. A totally linear display with extendable comments sections could be more usable.

4) Accesibility options: Let us Zoom In or Zoom Out those websites. Also, i reincide with the readability of Fandoom.

5) Don't know if it's my PC, but image compression is making images somewhat pixelated?

6) If it wasn't so much of a hassle, a suggestion i would do is having the same character having diferent profile pictorues in Galaxy and Kiblitzer seeing they're done for different usage.

7) Another suggestion going into future chapters: let's not forget about characters from previous chapter. Like, that ex boyfriend from Chapter 1 could come back in another and try to frustrate your plans if you went for the "He totally simped for a girl she stalked" because he felt like you were laughing at him. This maybe be too ambitious and too much for just some feedback, but i wish i could talk more to Angelica Cocklire and Maya DiBella.

Hope this doesn't feel bad mothu or ill fated. I just love the idea, meassage, humor and art of this game and want to give my two cents if this can make a slightly better game.

Me ha sorprendido lo realmente bien hecho que está para ser tan pequeño. Y lo digo alabando el juego. Muchos detalles en poco tiempo. Esto funcionaría perfectamente si se expande con más situaciones propias del confinamiento, con lo que ha llovido desde que salió el juego. ¡Podría hasta salir en Steam!