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A member registered Sep 16, 2017 · View creator page →

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(2 edits)

Loved this game, I have only played Daire's so far (still need to get one ending) I will be definitely playing all the routes and all endings. I also enjoyed the music! the CGs are so beautiful! well done to all that worked on it! <3 :) 

I've only done guy's route (true love ending) so far but I'm in love! definitely one of my favourite visual novels i have ever read, I got a little emotional not going to lie, i have green eyes and brown hair so i felt like guy was talking about me! >< I'm very much a fan of period stories but i think you are right in not fussing over being exact, as it's more about the characters and romance! definitely going to play all the route's though, thank you!!! <3 I was thinking about all the different ways guy would court, maybe a poem or two :)