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A member registered Nov 05, 2020 · View creator page →

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BoJack Horseman, Season 2, Episode 5

"Weight of the Generations" requires you to survive until the music track ends.

Phenomenal piece of work! I loved both the actual exhibit and the ways the game is built to reflect the exclusionary design it is showcasing.

deepest game about bread I have ever played

more sequels please

While I like the game, I definitely had a tendency to accidentally drop unsigned papers into the outbox. The inbox also didn't always pull up the top paper. I would've preferred if the game was just pressing buttons to sign or stamp, but I see the appeal in the more open approach.

I've managed to get endings 1 and 2. How do I get the other three?

I found the hidden "E." Is there anything else to do in the demo, or do you have to buy the full game to continue?