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A member registered Dec 14, 2016

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I don't remember exactly, but somewhere around 18:00, 33:00, and 57.

I can only imagine the challenge of making things mesh when changing the controls after the levels have been meticulously crafted for different controls. I didn't even realize how familiar I'd become with just sliding off of a platform onto another until the controls changed and I couldn't do it anymore. Even so, it's been great fun.

I understand that this kind of game isn't for everyone, but it's an absolute favorite for me. I eagerly await your next release.

First and foremost, I love this game. It's truly magnificent. I've played it to completion several times in an effort to reduce my number of deaths and/or time.

I'll add, though, that this change to the controls has made it more difficult and less enjoyable for me. The increase in friction makes it harder to move quickly, and longer jumps now require stopping, backing up, and getting a longer run before jumping.
