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A member registered Feb 28, 2023

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(3 edits)


Sorry for the incredibly late reply, I moved to a different Country and things have been horribly busy and complicated for a hot minute, not to mention my laptop decided to end its life out of the blue. Hope you're doing great!

As for the donation, thank you for your concern and transparency :) I can't do much right now but what I can, I do happily and without getting any poorer, promise. It's not any different from me picking up a game at the store, after all, and as a fellow creative content creator (except I am a writer, aka someone quite far from being able to make games, sadly. My stories are just words.) I also want to support others out there trying to make their visions concrete. So it's not a problem AT ALL and I just did it, actually, so now you're stuck with my money. No backsies. Ahah.

I decided to go through itch simply because I don't want to end up forgetting to cancel a subscription, tbh. It happened once with PS Plus and I have lived in fear ever since, lol. But maybe I can support on patreon in the future as well, as a subscription. I'd love to, honestly.

Keep up the great work and take care of Zack and the others, they deserve the world. 

Lots of love from Italy <3

You 100% delivered all of this and MORE. You gave depth to all of the characters, which alone is an incredible feat, and told a beautiful story that's really vivid.

And while I promise to stop writing essays in these comments at once, lol, I feel compelled to say I especially loved the ending - like the inner turmoil, the arguments, the feelings, the issues, that too felt incredibly real. No promises of forever and unicorns riding off into the sunset in a perfect world, no flawless people doing things flawlessly and never having an issue, but realistic guys trying their best. Doing what they can with what they have. Being friends and lovers, taking care of each other, trying to be good for each other. And I don't mean just Zack and Braden - Mikhail and Ash too. 

Ultimately, THANK YOU SO MUCH for this story! I will absolutely donate what I can next month because none of this deserves to be free and because if I can give something in return I am only happy to, tbh.  And I will wait for any new content that might or might not happen to grace your page in the future for sure :)

(1 edit)

Yeah, drama is fine as long as it makes sense and it is not sensationalized. A story where absolutely nothing ever happens would be boring, after all. But I love how you handled it - these guys just straight (or not :D) up TALK when things go wrong and I really appreciate that. No mindless, useless dragging of it all for the sake of it. Just people actually communicating. Absolutely loved that. 

Not gonna lie, at first I only wanted to play this because it was not heterosexual stuff, lol - I am bi and quite tired of the general narrative focusing on straight relationships/stories. But then I got hooked on the characters and the storytelling. It's so refreshing to see such a honest, raw take on certain aspects of life. The NSFW content is good (Zack is DAMN FINE!) but the fact you actually made these characters feel real and like people rather than just mindless figures doing hot things, makes it 10000x times better.

As for the two versions: not gonna lie, the original looks great. Yes, the revamped is even better, but I would have been happy even with just the first one. It's gorgeous. However, I do prefer the narrative of the revamped version of a mile. It reads more easily and gives more glimpses of what actually goes on in the characters' minds.

And now I'm on the hunt for more easter eggs, lol

I absolutely loved this game! Every part of it - the visuals, the storytelling, the story itself, the characters. It all felt so vivid, so real. Nothing felt forced or out of place or dramatized to no end. It really was a great experience.
Zack is honestly adorable. I loved his humor and I really felt like he was so relatable, both in queer and plain human terms (although I am a girl, not a boy, so certain things were wildly different for obvious reasons, lol).
Also, I actually scanned the code on the purple poster and I have to say it was really a nice detail to add!
I'll be waiting for more content from you, Aaryn. Keep doing whatever you're doing, it's working! :)