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A member registered Nov 04, 2023

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I feel like the demo should have had a clear ending instead of just stopping abruptly along with other stuff like Frankie's letter quest being unfinished where you can only deliver one letter and then there's nothing else after. The way the demo is right now it makes it feel like you're doing something wrong especially with how it seems like the five- dollar version is a full version of the game, not complete but it feels like it was more finished because the way the page desc is.

Kinda wish the demo for the game was like Half Life's demo where it shows the best the full game will have but ends up at a enticing point, this is what other game demos do but Half Life in particular had a really good one so that's why I'm using it as an example. As it stands the game feels more like early access which is fine but the wording around it is a little strange.

I wish there was a player gender option at the start ngl.

Reminds me of Rain World somewhat, really cute game all and all.

This application would be great mixed with Sonic Windowszone ngl.

I've gotten four endings but it seems like after each ending something new is added to the game which is a cool mechanic if that is what is going on (although it would be nice to have a download for the game then) so that could have effect on getting all the endings.

event idea:
--Funhouse Mirror--
You walk into a long hallway with several mirrors either with each of them having your reflection getting larger and larger or just having your reflection be clearly larger then you already are with noticeable obese features on display.