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A member registered 55 days ago · View creator page →

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Thank you! Yeah the butterflies was my favorite part too :D

ok, i didnt noticed that :P But very cool game anyways!

Super cool game!! But clicking for each shot wasnt that fun :/ anyways had a lot of fun!

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Thank you for the feedback! I thougth the main mechanic of the game should be present every time, so spinning around would be cool, but i never saw it that way.. It may be a bit hard :P. Many people who tested it (including me) said it was very hard, so in the next time i will definitely make stuff easier :v

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Fun game, but the fox blast felt too op and the collision was a bit laggy.

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It's fun, but i expected a little more content, like a score and high score HUD. Good game, anyways! (Sorry for my bad english)

Super fun game! I loved the upgrade concepts

Really cool game, but i found a crash, where the "mom_red" cant be loaded

Thank you! I hope you enjoyed it. What controls do you felt were reversed?

the game is fun, but the movimentation and camera were a bit laggy