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A member registered Sep 18, 2018 · View creator page →

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Sick, thanks for posting this.

Neon Gear 2 is still in the works, and has been retitled to "Neon Breach."

(1 edit)

This game had a lot of small issues, like the hitbox on grenades being too big, sometimes screwy AI, and some glitches with wall collision in certain places. Regardless, this is easily my best game to date, and I intend to make a follow up with better graphics, new mechanics (such as hostages), and improved existing mechanics to make the game something slightly more than a 10 minute time waster.

Work has already been started, and the graphics have already been drastically improved. I hope to drop Neon Gear 2 sometime this summer, so stay tuned!

In the meantime, if you, the guy or gal reading this comment on a game nobody plays, have anything you'd like to see in a sequel, please let me know, and I'll take it into consideration.

4H3DGM community · Created a new topic Congrats everybody!

That was harder than I thought it would be, and I'm completely blown away by what you guys were able to accomplish. I don't know how often this jam runs, but I hope to participate next time as well.

Thank you!

My b.

Which part?

My instinct with this kind of game is to play it like Doom. Get in the enemies face and shoot as fast my fingers will allow. Don't give them an inch toward my precious sunflowers! The snowmen, however, were gravely overestimated. On my second playthrough, I simply watched in mild bemusement as they slowly, slowly approached my sunflower garden, occasionally slightly altering their course, or even thinking twice about the whole operation and turning back the way they came. Such cowardice could not be stomached, and I killed them all again.

Good entry! I loved how charming the snowmen were, and overall the artstyle was very nice. I had fun trying to see how far I could kill a snowman from with the arc of my water balloons.

Having just dumped multiple full paychecks into an expensive drone, the most reasonable thing to do now is to send it down a nightmarish sewer littered with entire construction pipes at a high velocity until it crashes.

This might be the most visually striking entry. And you even have sounds! Weaving the drone around the pipes was tight and very fun. All around, this is a level of polish that I did not anticipate when I signed up for this jam.

Whenever a game that's even remotely weird becomes popular, the most common fan theory is that the game takes place in purgatory.

Well here we are, theorists. Real purgatory. Here, the devil administers 666 grams of hallucinogens, and you're forced to play capture the flag by yourself in a partially submerged maze while a little demon yells "YOU ARE IN WATER" until your sins have been fully payed.

I kind of loved it, though. In particular, I appreciated the old-school dungeon navigation. This is Bard's Tale for hardcore stoners.

Thank you so much for telling me that. It was driving me up a wall. XD I'm glad you liked my little fellow.

(1 edit)

This proved to be quite the challenge for my sleep-deprived brain. Fail to find the switches. Lose. Fail to figure out how to flip the switches. Lose. Succeed in flipping the switches. Lose. Realize that the gate was opening. Lose. And then, after a Herculean struggle, victory was achieved. Me and my little boat sailed away, and my Hero's Journey was complete.

I absolutely loved the visuals here. And you got all three themes!? Mad man. I felt like a tiny man in a toy boat navigating a fountain of dreams. Very nice.

Today, I attempted to achieve fulfillment by destroying all of the sunshine and rainbows in the world. The tiny rainbows didn't put up much of a fight, but the sun proved to be too powerful for my squirt gun, so me and my Icarus wings went home.

I love the grass. Also the animated sun was a nice touch. Everything was floaty, dream-like, and saccharine sweet.

Just barely. Ha ha. I almost uploaded it without the water or the tree. All that matters is that I learned how to an over-the-shoulder camera. I'm very pleased about that.

A game where you get to skate across a river and admire a beautiful landscape. Your only adversaries in the pursuit of benchmarking your processor forever are delicious peppermint balls that roll into the river and threaten to get motor oil in your mouth, which ruins your day so hard that you have to go back home and try again.

Xor blowing my mind (and my cpu) with his shader wizardry once again! You created a very beautiful and unsettling atmosphere in this game. I particularly liked the oil effect. I got a score of 137, which took a while at the framerate I was getting.

I'll definitely check out the yyz. I'm quite curious.

I don't know what Poseidon did, but his adorable and once-loyal subjects have turned on him.

Unfortunately for them, their turn radius is incredibly wide and slow, thus rendering them helpless against the might of the machine-gun acid balls.

There's a surprising amount of polish in this one. Damage indicators and everything. It has nice atmosphere, and I appreciated the minecraft-style trident dash. In my opinion, it would've been nice if the octopodes/octopuses/octopi were a little quicker, dealt more damage, and were less spongey. But obviously that kind of balancing takes time, which we have little of. Very good all around!

This could be the subject of a viral Youtube video: "Making SPLATOON in just 4 HOURS." And in the thumbnail there would be some guy, mouth agape, pointing at a screenshot with the caption "This is GAMEMAKER!?" floating over his head.

I'm quite impressed. I can't even begin to conceive of how something like this is done. Very nice.

(I won 999 to -999).

Thank you. It's only gonna get cooler!

v1.3 is up! Proper death animations for NPCs, front and side facing walk animations for the player, and ricocheting bullets!

Please give it a try; your feedback is invaluable!

Very cool! It's not like any puzzle game I've ever played before. I particularly like the visuals and sounds.

Neon Gear is a simple arcade top-down shooter about carefully and strategically clearing rooms in an endlessly repopulating building.

Features: Line of sight obscuring your vision! Nearly instant reloads (if you live long enough to even fire 30 rounds that is)! Overpowered but rare powerups! Getting tunnel vision from stress! Unpredictable (and sometimes idiotic) enemy behavior! Grenades that are just as likely to kill you as they are to kill your enemies! And more!

Play and rate it here!