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Bearial Grounds

A member registered May 31, 2017

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(1 edit)

I was run through this adventure by Mr. Prismatic Wasteland himself. Some NPCs (and a PC) were killed in pursuit of a lasting peace between children and actors. Even more were killed for streamer clout. The adventure plays very well with Into the Odd, and makes for an excellent couple hours of goofing around!

it’s free! Give it a download!

the term disaster master (DM) gives me life. Plan on purchasing a copy when I have the budget for it.

if only my wife, and all the other nerds I know, were not so very shy in public. May have to play solo on my morning walks, though that will take some adaptation. Regardless, this book is absolutely cute and well put together. The resolution mechanic is neat! Love the rules that bring imagination to public spaces—something I haven’t really indulged in since I was a child.

I’ve read through the rules, and I think they’re really fascinating! I can imagine a dozen different settings I could adapt this to, and that makes me very excited. It seems like a great opportunity to do collaborative worldbuilding with my players, because then I could fold the system around the setting we make.

Rock on, my dude

this rocks my socks. The gif is mad cute

Hey I just wanted to say this play aid is gorgeous and useful, and quite inspiring when I make my own google sheet character sheets. 

you guys are on a hot streak! I love seeing more stuff for Errant! Hope to see even more (including the kickstarter)!

Hi there. Is development still active with this hex tile set? It's very beautiful, but I'd like to know before I make my purchase if there are going to be more updates beyond the 370 tiles.