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A member registered Sep 15, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thank you for the feedback, I will try to improve the ship minigame and make it more replayable.

The coal's quick despawn time was an attempt to make the minigame feel more stressful without adding a time limit, however they might be too fast. Having Fransisco in the room was meant to add more annoyance, so I hope that has been achieved xD. Thank you for the feedback!

Thanks for the feedback :)

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Thanks for the feedback! The coin flashing is due to GB Studio limitations, so there's not much to do about that unfortunately. If you look at the controls part of this page, you'll se that you can press 'Start' (or 'enter' on keyboard) to open up an inventory that shows you how many coins you have collected and how much coal you have in your inventory. Being able to get stuck in Fransisco was a conscious decision that makes the minigame slightly more annoying, however it might be too unrealistic, so I will look into that. The two racists' eyebrows merge with their eyes due to color limitations. And I agree that it makes them look a bit unsettling xD. Thank you for all the support and critisism, it is very helpful for the game's development!

I might shorten the length of the ship minigame. If you look at the controls part of this page, you'll se that you can press 'Start' (or 'enter' on keyboard) to open up an inventory that shows you how many coins you have collected and how much coal you have in your inventory.

Thanks for the feedback. I will add some clarification on how to get to the docks and how to get back to the streets. Yeah, the coal minigame is pretty time consuming, so I will try to add some variation so it's more entertaining and replayable.

Me neither buddy xD

Thanks for the feedback, I will probably look into adding some clarification for which way to go. The ship section was an attempt to make a 'stressful' minigame without having to worry about a time limit. I might make variations to it to make it more interesting.

I hit many difficulties with that minigame such as too many On Update scripts and too many sprites. Hopefully it's not completely unplayable.



As you can see in the controls section of this page, you emulate clicking 'A' by pressing the 'Z' key on your keyboard. I might make it so any key starts the game instead of just 'A'.

The text overlaps because you use too many symbols in the same dialogue box, which GB Studio doesn't handle very well. Kinda lacks some gameplay, but nice story.

fire is best at killing babies?! thanks for the advice... hehe

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It was very unclear that you have to dry the clothes and speak to the man to get the house number. Maybe make it so you can talk to the man and he will give a quick recap on what to do? Other than that, I sure do love Lee's Laundering Legacy

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Hans Mattson disappears when you talk to him from any side other than the front. Apart from that, it's a lovely and challenging fishing minigame.

Sigma balls