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A member registered 93 days ago · View creator page →

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Ok. I will wait if this game ever gets an android port :)

Android please?

Yes devs plz add a mobile port

no I can download the game and play smoothly on a 6 gb ram phone 

Soooo I cant download the game even though i have way more than enough storage for the download criteria

Free use with action adventure is such a great combination. Need more of this combo

Plz rework the animations and stun in the bear bossfight that shit is so damn wonky

Dont know why I cant downlosd the android version lol

It says "game not downloaded" when I still have around 10 gigs of storage left


100% the game on mobile and it was very fun. I hope you can add more levels for the f2p's in future. One suggestion I have is an infinite or endless mode if you can, without the timer and the corruption levels. Hope the best for the developer and the game!

(1 edit)

We need more eroge mangement games fr. This is an absolute W game, with the only downside that there are only 2 levels to clear f2p. The artwork especially for the 2nd level is great and the gameplay is also competitive yet sexy. I hope you can update the game more for the f2p's.