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A member registered Oct 31, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks! Little by little, I'll make more of them!

Thanks for the idea! I'll start with 5 new portraits!!

Thank you for the message, it was very kind of you! If I were to create another pack, what theme would you like it to have?

Thank you! I replied to you via email.

Welcome! 😊 If you need any help understanding how to use animations, feel free to ask!

Hi, I finally found some time to continue this series, the next will be the necromancer! The 4-direction animations refer only to those of the knight specified in the description. For example, the "reborn" is not included in the 4 directions (at least for now). The "attack" and "super attack" animations are available only in the lateral and back directions. This is because the swords, performing two semicircles, effectively cover all four directions, making a front-facing version unnecessary. If you have any doubts about the content of these uploads, you can check the example GIFs. I hope I’ve answered your question, but if not, feel free to write here!

Thank you! I will prepare an overview of the situation and contact you via email. See you soon!

Hello! Some time ago, I considered creating asset packs with these characteristics, but I decided to abandon the idea due to their limited versatility and modularity. For instance, the lighting and shadows are drawn directly onto the rooms, whose design is closely tied to the specific needs of my game. This would make it difficult to adapt the assets to the requirements of other developers, with the risk of ending up with many games that look very similar to each other.

That said, I could work on commission to create exclusive assets based on your instructions. However, please be aware that the production times would be longer, and the costs higher compared to pre-made modular asset packs.

Thank you very much for your interest and your comment; I truly appreciate it!

Thank you!

Thanks to you! I'm curious to see :)

Thank you!

thank you!

Hi all!

Antarctica: Next Wintah Ya’ll Die is a pixel art retro game primarily for PC where you:

  • Explore an abandoned Soviet base.
  • Solve riddles and puzzles to progress in the adventure.
  • Fight mutant creatures trying to kill you.
  • Play mini-games hidden within the main adventure.

The demo offers a diverse gameplay experience blending problem-solving and combat,

set in a typically retro atmosphere.

Someone said:  "1988, Antarctica, a random dude arrives at an old soviet base and decides to press all the buttons."

Warning: this prototype version offers a gameplay experience of approximately one and a half hours, with the duration varying depending on your skill in solving puzzles and defeating enemies. The demo is available for download or to be played online via the link provided on the page.

You can do the same thing with Aseprite. If you’re in the mock-up phase, I think you’ve made the right choice. It doesn’t look bad at all, especially since the difference is really minimal. Even if you kept everything like this in the final version, there’d be nothing wrong with it! It’s the same mistake I made with my first pixel art game, but I learned my lesson: keep all assets at a 1:1 ratio and consider 9-slice scaling. I’m glad you’ve found a solution in some way—I’m looking forward to seeing the finished game! :)

Certainly, you’re welcome! Explaining the process in words isn’t the easiest, but here’s how I would approach it: First, I would adjust the UI to match the original pixel ratio, setting it to 1:1. Next, I would scale up the UI while maintaining the same proportions as the game.By the way, in the original UI file, how many pixels does each square correspond to? (This is important to know how to resize the image.)If you have Photoshop, we can connect on Discord, and I’ll show you how to do it. This way, if you have other elements in the UI, you can manage them on your own!

I understand perfectly what you're describing, including the unpleasant visual effect you mentioned. To solve the issue, some minor editing work in Photoshop would be necessary. However, explaining the process here is complicated, especially since I would need to ask you additional questions to better understand the situation. I saw the image you sent me, but it's too small, and I can't properly assess the pixel-perfect details. Could you send me a close-up of the UI detail compared to the background?

The two sources you are trying to equate originally both have a 1:1 ratio?

Can you post an image here so we can see exactly what it's about?

Hi! Reducing the image might partially damage it. Larger objects, like the cards, could handle scaling better, but I honestly wouldn’t recommend shrinking it. Keep in mind that the image is built with a pixel-per-pixel (1:1) ratio: if you reduce it, some pixels would physically disappear, distorting the design and making it lose its meaning. I hope I’ve explained this clearly!

Nice! Thank you!

thank you

Hi! Yes, the idea is to add 4-directional movement to all characters in the series. The main characters will definitely have this feature.

Very nice game! Thank you

Thank you very much!

You're welcome!

Sure, destructible objects will be one of the upcoming updates!

Thank you! Yes, I would like to extend this pack and dedicate myself to a space shooter, time permitting.

Thank you for purchasing the package! I’ve sent you the 3 dash frames via email :)

Hi! I believe I understand what you want to achieve. Besides the platform, you would also like to use these assets to create other projects. I should let you know that these packs are primarily designed for top-down games (specifically the backgrounds), but the characters can also work for platform games since they are depicted front-facing. The dash animation you are referring to is the one for the blue character you tested in the demo, correct? I'm not sure if it's included in pack 1, but since it's just one frame, I can send it to you separately.

Regarding the purchase of the packs, if you buy 1, 2, and 3, you can get them at a discounted price, and once you have them, you can access 4 and 5 with a 40% discount. Normally, I wait for the Itch sales to create a 1-5 bundle, which, if I'm not mistaken, should be around October/November. I hope I've explained everything clearly, but if not, feel free to reach out for more details! Thanks :)

(3 edits)
Yes, the weapons are separate from the character and you can rotate 
them to shoot 360, try it here. 
I don't remember if the dash animation of this prototype is included 
in the pack, I can send it to you separately. 
If you want, try taking a look at this pack of heroes which is more 
complete in terms of animation.
Is your game a platformer or a topdown?

Se ho capito bene credo tu abbia  ridimensionato gli sprites con un valore con virgola, che nella pixel art distrugge completamente il pixel. A parte l'ingrandimento dello sprite contá anche lo zoom della telecamera, che se ha un valore con virgola distrugge tutto. Se ti capita di provare Antarctica NWYD noterai che nella primissima schermata il player sfarfalla quando cammima, é per un ingrandimento con virgola. Ragiono un attimo su come spiegarti due cose su ph e poi ti dico!

Cerco di sistemarli entro questa settimana! Hai bisogno che ti día qualche dritta per ridimensionare in ph mantenendo il pixel perfect?

Ti avviso qui ad operazione conclusa!

Se hai bisogno  dimmi quali sprites sono da ridimensionare e te li sistemo.  Grazie ancora per il feed e buon sviluppo!

Ciao Sidgain, riguardo alle misure degli sprites in principio le facevo solo a 4 pixel per quadrato (quindi grandi) poi ho cominciato a rilasciare i pack in due versioni, 1 pixel vale 1 pixel e un pixel che vale 4 pixel. Ho pensato che fosse comodo inserire anche la versione 1 a 1 per permettere di ingrandire a piacimento direttamente nell'engine. Sviluppando mi sono accorto che é meglio avere gli 1 a 1 che altre misure ( per evitare ingrandimenti con la virgola che fanno sfarfallare le animazioni). Il pack della Ui, per esempio, ho preferito rilasciarlo con una proporzione di 1 a 1 cosí lo puoi ingrandire come preferisci( suggerisco un 3x). Se hai bisogno di cambiaré qualche formato avvisami che lo faccio senza problemi. Riguardo ad espansioni ho in cantiere dell'altro, tra cui pensavo ad un ambiente esterno. Per quanto riguarda le carte randomizzate ho intenzione di realizzarle, ho solo bisogno di un po di tempo per ragionarle con calma. Grazie per il feedback !!!!

Ciao Sidgain, si è confermato. Comincerò a lavorarci nel giro di un mese!

Thank you VEXED! it's a great pleasure to be greeted by another pixel artist!

Sono cose che si dicono nei momenti di estasi ;) Il prototipo è nato come banco di prova per gli assets, visto che mi cimentavo nella produzione di pixel art da pochissimo!

Interessante la logica delle carte randomizzate! Proverò a ragionare sui vari spunti cha mi hai dato cercando di realizzare qualcosa che si possa comporre modularmente. Grazie ancora per il commento e in bocca al lupo per il tuo progetto!

Se posso ti scrivo in italiano anche io! In effetti Rise of Droids è un esperimento per testare gli assets del volume 1 ed alcune dinamiche di gioco ma non ho intenzione di svilupparlo ulteriormente,è stata una follia d'estate:) Se vuoi dirmi esattamente cosa ti serve posso provare a creare qualcosa di diverso dall'interfaccia di Rise.Grazie a te