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Bare Bones

A member registered Aug 18, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks for checking it out!

check behind you 👀

Thanks for checking the game out!

Thanks bro!

Thanks! 🔥

Appreciate it bro!

Thanks for playing!


Thank you bro 🤣

Thank you!

Thank you bro! 🔥


Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it 😊

Thanks for playing! Glad you liked it 😊

Thanks bro! It's nice to hear from another young dev, stay consistent 🔥

thanks bro 🔥

glad you enjoyed!🤣 

Thank you!

Thanks 😁

Thank you very much, glad you enjoyed it!

Thanks for playing!


Thank you for playing!

Thanks for playing bro!

Thank you for playing!

Thanks so much for playing bro! Glad you enjoyed it.

Thank you so much for playing!

Thank you so much!

thank you!

The game is now fixed! Feel free to comment any bugs you find while playing.

Thank you for playing! I uploaded the wrong build, but ill get it to work.

Hey! Thanks for playing. I accidentally uploaded a broken build, ill be able to fix it tonight.

Thanks for the feedback! I spent too long on that cutscene, probably should have spent that time on making the actual game better lol

Thanks for the feedback, that definitely would have helped. Thanks for playing!

Thanks :)

Thanks for playing the game! I see now that a lot of stuff in this game isn't obvious at all, for that you had to get a key for the lava suit. I played your game too, lot of fun!

I apologize if the game has caused any frustration or negative emotions. It's unfortunate to hear that your experience with the game has been less than enjoyable. Each game can elicit different reactions from players, and I understand that not every game will resonate with everyone in the same way.

If you have any specific feedback or concerns about the game, I'm here to listen and offer any assistance or support I can. It's essential for game developers to receive constructive feedback to help them improve and create better experiences for players.

Again, I apologize for any negative feelings the game may have caused you, and I appreciate you sharing your thoughts. If there's anything else you'd like to discuss or if there's another aspect of the game you'd like me to address, please let me know.

i wasnt talking to you

Juice Blender, a solo submission for the GMTK 2023 game jam, offers a unique puzzle challenge with its blender-centric gameplay. While the overall enjoyment may be affected by certain repetitive levels, the game's creative concept and innovative mechanics earn it a rating of 7/10. Enjoyment receives a rating of 3/5, reflecting the game's potential for improvement in terms of variety and engagement. The creativity score is a solid 4/5, acknowledging the inventive idea behind controlling a blender. In terms of presentation, Juice Blender receives a rating of 3/5, considering the time limitations of the game jam. TheBreadPerson commends the developer's efforts and looks forward to seeing future developments from this talented creator.

Prepare for an exciting adventure in this immersive game! With intuitive controls using your mouse and WASD keys, you'll navigate through an intriguing dungeon filled with treasures and challenges. Your objective is crystal clear: safeguard your precious treasure from reaching a value of 0.

Engage in thrilling battles by simply left-clicking to attack, defeating heroes who dare to cross your path. Each victory rewards you with valuable money, but don't limit yourself to combat alone. Explore the depths of the dungeon and uncover diamonds that increase in value every time you collect them, becoming highly sought-after in the late stages of the game.

While hero types may currently be cosmetic, keep your excitement levels high for future updates that will introduce unique characteristics for each hero. Get ready to strategize, adapt, and maximize your treasure's safety in this captivating gameplay experience. Can you become the ultimate protector of wealth? The challenge awaits! 0/10