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A member registered Feb 10, 2024

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Omg love being able to embrace chaos and knock things off, but would be cool if they broke. I had trouble interacting with the friend and got trapped on the left side of the couch unable to jump out again so I had to restart, so I might just shuffle things a bit to make it more easy to traverse that space. Managed to make it to the end though.

Congrats on your first jam and solo game :D

Wow I really dig the vibe of this game, and considering you did all this yourself? Damn good job.

It was funny to learn that my attempts at finding the Saint was wholly futile when I saw you clarify in another comment that there was no "good end" haha. I had retried so many times determined to survive.

I really like how even though dying makes the game harder, the story still progresses and the environment/characters also change in some manner, so even though there's no point in trying to "win" the game there's still incentive to move forward for narrative value.

The ladder mechanics were a bit janky which lead to breaking my  ankles frequently, but otherwise the controls we alright. I appreciated the character limp but I ended up spamming jump to get to places faster.

The art and style is immaculate! A lot is going on visually however so I might suggest having everything interactable white and everything else in the background a light grey tone to help guide the player. I managed to make it to the newspaper by clicking about and wasn't sure if I reached the end so I'd suggest making that a bit clearer.

Otherwise I loved the lil twist at the end, "good riddance" :)

I absolutely love the visuals and the fact I got to rename the plants to my beloved Jorge, Spleena, Pleenabus and Uhla.
The paralax was a tad bit discombobulating but I appreciate what you were going for. I found myself spam-clicking between trying to move (the boundary was unclear as to how far either side I could go) and finding the plants. I also think it'd be neat if the game started with an instruction to make the goal a bit clearer as I found myself winging it when starting the game.

Overall a really neat concept :D