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A member registered Apr 02, 2019 · View creator page →

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I don't know if I can put into words how this game made me feel, except that I hope it helped you to make it. I hope that it could help you shed some of the shame, knowing that so many people see themselves in it and beside you. 

As a game, it's excellent. It has wonderful art. While it was cute it never... took away from the feeling of the game, if that makes any sense. And the times when it dissolved or was less cute it felt poignant and deserved. I loved the moments of quiet within (looking at the vending machine, the gummies at the pharmacy) and how they contrast with the other parts. I love the simplicity and impact the games of yours I've played have. The title and its use is compelling, though distressing what it meant to you.

As a piece of art and connection, it brought me to tears. Trauma from any source, in my experience, never really goes away, but I can only hope it's eased its grip on you.