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A member registered Aug 23, 2018

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(1 edit)

Very nice packages of well made ressources! Keep up the good work ^w^

It's a good idea, that would be pretty awesome, also with a balenced system (like if you add more bullets shot to a weapon, it will add more size or pounds in it) so the weapons are not to op. Also, a map creator with custom ennemies islands could be nice too, even better if you could share your maps online ^^

Oh i see, thank you very much ^^

This is strange, i got 3 of those, it's says that it can add 2 more weapons, so, logically, i can have +6 weapons, but the problem is that i can only put 5 weapons on my island, it's maybe a bug or something... can you fix it, please? >w< (i'm in the second world, the game is hard at this point without enought weapons ^^') Thank you ^^

That's a really good game, i'm really looking foward for a future steam release if you could do it ^^