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Balrog De Morgoth

A member registered May 02, 2020

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It's not disguised at all, my dude.

(1 edit)

Fun game, it's always nice to find a horror game with an actually unique style. No knock on other stuff but Itch games have a bad tendency to get cookie-cuttery design wise.

The classic horror-adventure vibe and gameplay is always something that hook me in.

Props for the pig noises while getting chased, truly fit the hellish situations.

Bigfoot's scream is okay but a bit too Chewbacca-like if that make sense.

The cousin is still my favorite character by far.

(2 edits)

Overrall great game with a great concept and interesting mechanics. The story was pretty neat too and I appreciate the option to have a real happy ending despite the desperate situation in the game.

The only real 'bad point' is that the combat system is overly simple and the game in general has potential to be way bigger than it actually is. There was also a lot of potential to do a lot more with the mutations and upgrades, both in term of story and gameplay. The 'Outer Tribes' stuff kinda never explained or expended upon too beyond them being descendent from the colonies.

Also I know you probably moved on and won't answer but I have a minor question: Biofuel was presented like a clean renewable energy beyond anything before (Which is why Correctors are considered immortal since they'll never run out of it) so why is there so much talk in the game about running out of it even for the robots?

Anyway keep up the good work!