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A member registered Mar 23, 2022

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(1 edit)

I have done the last Mona scene, picked my fav girl, gone to the tower, done the rock puzzle and defeated the boss there, however my progress is at 98%, what exactly am I missing?

EDIT: I forgot to mention I had 100% in 0.60.

Right, I have gotten the last scene, but my game is at 99% completion currently, do buried treasures count towards game completion or am I missing something else entirely?

If its the mona scenes then I have all of them except from the locked one, although even though I have all of the Mariam scenes so far, the hearts are greyed out and my meter is at the 1st heart.

Pretty sure they are to be added scenes that arent available as of now in the current game version but will get added in later versions.

(1 edit)

Is the locked talisman used for something as of now? Also I am missing the 4th scene in the gallery, would you be able to tell me which one that is?

Hi, I finished most of the game and was doing side activities, namely the maps that you can get, and I can't for the life of me find the right spot for the Ghost's map, I checked both Neko Forest and Thula Outskirts and couldn't find it, would you be able to help me?