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evil wizard

A member registered Sep 20, 2021 · View creator page →

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DAMN THIS GAME... it's actually so rare when you have an opportunity to play as nb/third-option sex/gender, and charachers near you don't make a big deal out of it. i mean. JUST LIVE LIKE A ORDINARY PERSON?! thank you. 

and don't let me start about the worldbuilding and illustrations... just PLAY IT!

(4 edits)

im playing this for 2 hours already, and yet, i really like it. especially with turned on Dark Gloomy Grim Lovecraft Ambient Mix (or something like this lol)  : D

1. thanks for the nb option. it might seem like a small thing, but it helps me to feel more immersion, finally (for bi option as well)

2. dices are cool, always like them in games

3. world!!! text + pictures + sounds = full world, if story is good

4. different ways to upgrade PC are cool too, both organic and mechanical. i didn't try all yet, maybe at another playthrough, but mannnnnnn, i like this all

5. achivements = free dophamine. youve caught me! 

i love this. thank you <3

thank you! <3

thank you! : 3

(2 edits)

oh my!!! i love your art style and mechanics of the game you decided to use! p&c and limited movement of the character, like in old games. and description of actions and environment are cool too! it helps to add more details to your world! : )

proposition to add flashing lights warning at the beginning. i see it at the description in this page (thanks btw!), but some people will watch streams/letsplays and will not know about it.

I LOVE THIS STYLE. and also it feels like there is much more of the world behind this scene. and even with so small amount of details devs were able to create this feeling. thanks! 

OH MY GOD. sound design, megalophobia, graphics (detailed where it should be), local (place/country) legends... oh my. oh my. oh my. you are VERY talented person. thank you for your work. will buy it asap and wait for part 2! <3

It was short, but I enjoyed, bc I like these "old" p&c games, horrors and winter, ha-ha.