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Bad Angel Games

A member registered Jul 07, 2020 · View creator page →

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Haha, thank you for the note. The typos have been addressed on the site. I even didn’t catch this one on the game’s Ren’py main menu image, so that will be fixed by the next update :p

Glad to hear how much you enjoy MFA :) If you could post the full error log of the 'exception occurred' message, that would help me troubleshoot the bug. Act 3 starts immediately after you defeat the Sisterhood and MFA-0.3.0 focused on Harley's training. Finally, the morning shower tab should still be functional after the Angels have agreed to be your harem.

Thank you for pointing this out! You should be able to download for PC now.

Glad to hear you're enjoying MFA :)

Are you saying that 1) you cannot use save files from previous versions of MFA, or 2) when you save a game in version 0.2.0 and load that save, the game's information isn't properly loaded?