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A member registered 28 days ago · View creator page →

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Great game! Incredible art and idea!

Great game! Incredible art and idea!

This is a really interesting game! It would be a good rage game!

Thanks for the feedback! I appreciate it!

Yeah, there are some problems that I will fix after this Jam. Thanks for the feedback! I appreciate it! 

This is an amazing game! It has unique artstyle, interesting mechanics and great levels. Great work!

This is an amazing game! It has unique artstyle, interesting mechanics and great levels. Great work!

Oh, thanks for the solution (I totally forgot about delta time), I will take it into account, and for the feedback! I appreciate it!

Thanks for the feedback! I appreciate it!

I don't know what to do with this problem right now. Everything works fine for me. I will probably solve it after the Jam. Thanks for the comment!

Thanks for the feedback! I appreciate it!

It's pretty easy;)

(Pick up the power-up on the left, then the right, then jump to the door)

Thanks for the feedback!

You just need to press the spacebar when you are below the door. Thanks for the feedback!

Thanks for the feedback! I appreciate it!