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A member registered Feb 20, 2020 · View creator page →

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Yes, the balance ended being a more complicated task than I anticipated. Lot of variables, and this without an inventory, items, magic or experience for the characters. For the next update an inventory should help with challenging monsters.

And it’s good to hear that early monsters were easy. As developer (knowing all the internals) is difficult discern what is easy and what is not, probably happens you with your game. So thanks!.

The game mechanic has so much potential!, and the presentation is simply lovely (especially the building layout being show in the fog, as some kind of war intelligence). With enemies and different gadgets, can be a really cool game.

The fluidity is fantastic, even with lots of blobs on the screen. And the ship rotation looks and feel really good.

The lack of sound is killing me too!. I promise add an objective later (and a proper plot too).

Yes, the feedback needs a lot of work. From attacks variance, texts and fine-tuning actors times. Is on the TODO list. Thanks!