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A member registered Feb 20, 2020

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(2 edits)

Hey! So I downloaded the game a few weeks ago, and I can leave my first impressions here!

So first and foremost, I'd like to say to the developer, that the game is very fun, engaging, and rewarding! I also really enjoy the concept and the new take on it, differing from other developers!

Now to the good stuff, my criticisms, so I know the developer was going to revamp the first part of the game due to confusion and poor development and make it more story orientated. And I totally agree, the beginning was repetitive and I got stuck a few times. 

With that being said, there are a few problems or potential fixes I could recommend, as I've played the whole story up-to-date. Firstly, the dialogue, it can get very repetitive and very meta. The whole "bUt I wAnT yOu tO bE coMfOrTabLe" and the whole "BrAdEn ArEnt YoU cOmfY wItH mE?" "yOu'Ve SeEn mE nAkEd BefoRe AnyWayS" (sorry for the typing, its how i read it in-game) was very annoying. At times I was thinking, do people actually talk like this? I can understand that Zack is a bit insecure and Braden is discovering himself, but still it can seem unrealistic and plain cringy.

Other than that, I'd like to see more customization with the characters, more options, more different stylistic personal preferences, like for example in the popular dating sim "coming out on top" you could choose which characters had body hair and which had a beard. Just more customization in general, though it could interfere with the whole zac trimming his pubes bit, but I would still like more options. I know this sounds far-fetched, but a list of kinks you could assign to each character that changes their dialogue and what they find attractive on other characters, things that make the story more personalized and unique to the player.

But yeah! Take everything with a  grain of salt, but thanks for reading this far! And keep up the good work! I love the game.