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A member registered Jul 15, 2018 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much! We're aiming for a demo sometime next year!

Thank you so much for playing our game!

Thank you! And if you haven't known, we have a very nice surprise from the Fantasia series on January! ;) Look forward to it!!!

Congrats for the release!!!! I managed to get all of the endings! Sage is the type where you need to spend a lot of time before getting to like him, but I like the slow burn and the twist at the end! Looking forward to see more from you! 

Thank you so much!

It has been postphoned due to pregnancy, so I am taking a bit of break from dev-ing ^^;

Thanks for rating! ^^

Thank you for playing!!! So glad that you like their journey!

Thank you for playing this game, Chap! I want to leave it as an open-ending one but I guess a deeper dive into Jianyu's character would be a nice side story of its own as well! 

I might do an anthology about the same setting about how different people cope with afterlife and purgatory sometime in the future so look forward to it! ^^

Thank you so much for playing and ahhh I squealed a bit when I realized it's you who played my game!!! ><

Thank you for playing!!! I am so glad you enjoyed it. I plan to make several short stories about it and those who died closest to each other (either in time or place) will get seated near each other so there can be all sorts of encounters!!! 

Beautiful art and beautiful music! I am a bit confused by ending though, 

spoiler alert




What does sleepwalker means? And what does Precious Dancer mean?

Overally, I really enjoyed the short story! <3

Thanks so much for playing!!! Hehe and glad you like it :3

Thank you so much for playing! Am glad you like it!!!

Thanks so much, El!!!

Oh my gosh your post truly made my day (I had a very bad day) and I want you to know that it really warms my heart so to read this comment at this exact moment. 

I am so happy that I can make others happy through my work and I really hope it can motivate you to tell yout own stories! 

Best of luck!!! 

Thank you so much!!!

Thank you so much!!! I wonder what everyone chose as the true ending x3

Thank you!!!

Thank you! There is no clear canonical ending for this, so you choose your own canon ^^

Thank you for playing! Glad you enjoyed it ^^

WHOAH this game certainly spooked me, it was so unsettling and haunting... Loved the ambience and how the ending seem to be left open-ended on purpose. Great job!

I was expecting a jumpscare for some reason but glad it didn't happen LOLOLOL

Honestly, you are blowing me away with these JAM entries. Love the voice acting, and it was such an amazing experience! (One sprite for many characters truly work wonders)

Sad and bittersweet, a wonderful experience!

Clever use of animation and zoom, and it's so adorable~ Amazing job! ^^

Thanks you for playing too, and I am glad you loved it!

(1 edit)

It's right click on the mouse! ^^

Thank you for playing and I am glad you like them both!!!

And thank you so much for playing! In the end the message was "hope" And even tho it is cheesy, I hope everyone still holds out hope no matter what their situation is

It really does, thank you for noticing it! 

(1 edit)

Oh my, thanks so much for this detailed review! 

The game is loosely based on a personal experience's survivor's guilt during c*v*d times as we lose people, disguised as a zombie apocalypse, where I met my husband and we went through our traumatic events together. I am a medical doc and there was an event where all the oxygen went out in my hospital and then 50 people died at the same time, I had to tell everyone their families died. Even tho it wasn't my fault I felt I was helpless. Kirana's nightmares was bit of based on mine. 

I hope with this little story I can tell people that sometimes it won't always be bad! 

Again, thanks for playing! 

Thank you so much! I am so happy you enjoyed it and I am really aiming for a soft and gentle affection scenes, especially for the traumatic events Gabe went through made him approach romance very slowly as if he is afraid to lose anyone again. :'')) 

Thank you so much!!!

Thank you so much! Well, they might... Repopulate earth????

Thank you so much for playing this game! And I am glad you enjoyed it! :))

What a heartwarming little game! Congratulations and thank you for the experience!!!

We need more of these mystery otomes! 10/10

Love this game and the unique artstyle! loved all the characters, and don't think too much about the negative comment, they clearly are just bitter about everything! 

Wooo!!! Congratulations upon release! Very excited for this one!!!

Thank you very much! I am very glad you loved it!!!