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A member registered Oct 02, 2020

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What stats should I focus on? Last time I tried spreading them out evenly and it didn't work out so well for me.

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So stupid, so much effort put into game but no manual save or at the bare minimum save points? no thank you, I'm out. I play these types of games to relax and to have fun, not to be irritated. If i wanted a game that irritated me, I would go play elden ring or dark souls.

This game is awesome! I would still play this game without the nsfw stuff, to me the story is in the forefront and the nsfw is just an added bonus.

Need a way to upgrade stats or at the very least upgrade your companions. I can buy better equipment for myself, why not my companions at the least upgrade their weapons? And better companion interactions and let them be able to interact with one another. Otherwise good game.

When I press the heart an error keeps showing up.