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A member registered Mar 16, 2020

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(2 edits)

I hope that you have fun working on this during the CoronaVirus emergency. I can't get the mouse to work in the menu on the stable/older version, but on the experimental version it does.  When I try to play a level in the experimental version,  the red player box just turns red.  After that I cannot use any buttons and must kill the program. Thank you for your help.

Pyxel Knight community · Created a new topic Doesn't Work?
(3 edits)

Either the game doesn't work, or I'm stupid. I can press enter once to start adventure, press again to select, use the arrow keys to select a color, press enter, but then cannot type a name or continue. Also, my mouse does nothing? This could be because windows doesn't want me to run this, but I'm not sure. Any (helpful) response would be appreciated, thanks!

Edit: The only button I can press on the first screen is to start an adventure.

The experimental version seems to work better, but I still can't play or see the controls. What are the three symbols in the bottom, one of which has a check mark?