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A member registered Jan 01, 2024

Recent community posts

omg I loved this and the message :))) so well done! kalei is so cute haha

YOOO THIS WAS SO MUCH FUN!! honestly it exceeded my expectations. team jack all the wayyyyyyyy

omg epic content as always :))

so cute =)!!

this is probably one of the best visual novels I have ever played in my life AND FOR FREE TOO???? I played this game for giggles and at the end of it I was so sincerely touched--it was way more than I was expecting. I appreciate everything is game has- you can tell this was really thought out and made with passion. awesome ass game, y'all gotta play!!!!!!

this game is amazing. I loved the first one, but I love this one even more. legit won't ever forget this game

1. My favorite character would be Graham bro was funny as hell

2. My favorite scene would probably be the one with Graham. I was not expecting that at all and it made me laugh really hard LMFAO

3. YES!! I thought this game was really funny and the art-style is really cute. I would love to see more of it :)