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A member registered Jun 28, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the feedback! You’re right, game jams are quite addictive. Although it was stressful, it was also a great experience.  Also I didn’t have time to fix the health reading lol.

Truly an amazing game. You may have to fix a few bugs here and there like the placement of the objects not registering or the start screen not working, but other than that, I can see this game doing incredibly well in a professional setting. You guys should consider publishing this as an actual game

Unfortunately, I cannot play the game because it just keeps buffering and loading. 

Jokes aside, amazing game paired with amazing artwork. The skibidi toilets are truly terrifying

The issue is now fixed. Should be working now

Sorry if you can't play. You will have to exit out and reenter a few times. Not sure why that is happening

How would a team register together? Or do you just credit their itch accounts?