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Axton the Obstagoon

A member registered Jan 18, 2022

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found it thanks to another comment. it's under the furthest party hat while facing the hallways to the office

check cupcake for key then enter closet. that's where Puppet is and you can ask her how to get the pizza. make sure you have $27 for it

ask Freddina and she'll ask for a microphone which you can order on the computer. give it to her and then check the paper on the wall by the door of the room that leads to the basement

one is in the kitchen pot and another is in the bathroom trash bin. still looking for the third one though

does the protagonist have a wife called Incontinentia Buttocks?

i figured it out, but every time i do it, i end up dying, even when i click correctly

i can't get past the tutorial. how am i supposed to "show my ass off to them"? nothing explains how to do that and it's just standing there like the first one

it's a good thing this was free. if you want to know what i mean, it's better if you experience the game itself because words cannot describe it. it's free anyways, so there's no worries about trying it

game's good so far. only pet peeves are when the stack covers the orgasm bars and you can't tell how close one character is because their second orgasm numbers are also blocked and the other pet peeve is no music setting. i hope to see this game continue to improve