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A member registered Jul 06, 2019 · View creator page →

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After losing motivation for a couple of days, I implemented cannon fire and an explosion that went along with it. 

Update # 2:

I changed the background color to solid blue, created a secondary camera that will act as the view while setting up player towers, before switching to the primary one when both players are finished setting up their towers. I also created a cannon object in Blender that took wayy too long.

Update # 1:

After a couple of hours I figured out how to create my own dynamic camera! Every time you spawn a box it will automatically lock on and follow the box furthest away from the origin point (0,0,0). 

I also managed to create a death zone that despawns those boxes so that the camera doesn't forever point towards the void (Because the camera follows the object furthest away form the origin point, not the highest object)! Progress!

Thank you so much for the kind words! Good luck on your project!

Hey Guys! This will be my first ever game and I am heavily inexperienced so I would appreciate it if you could give me any constructive criticism or advice on how to do this.

My idea is to make a local 2 player game where the players try to construct their towers of blocks while knocking the other's tower down with cannonballs. There will be a time limit and whoever's tower is the highest at the end wins.

 I spent about an hour figuring out the basics of unity and looking up script tutorials, but I now know to spawn blocks on click! It's not much but it's kinda exciting for me. Thanks for reading!

Here's a screenshot of my (very little) progress: