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A member registered Feb 07, 2021

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i think that the mean comments might fix the devs mental stability so they can make good mods for amazing games

zingy games can suck a egg, they made this horrible fnf ripoff.

no better way to say it bud.

this is horrible, there is nothing different but the shitty new characters that were prob composed by a 14 yr old to make new skins for this shitty, fake, 90x WORSE version of friday funkin. I need some explaining on how anyone actually exepts this rip-off as a plauseable version of fnf. I want to sock the shit out of the creator because I'm guessing that they thought that this was actually ok. if anything, microsoft paint has more content than this shit. With a fake version of a game, you would expect that the creator fixes and changes things up to give it thier own personal touch, but here, they make it 90x WORSE than the original game. I am super dissapointed in this mod that could have actually had potential.

Least Regards,
