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A member registered Apr 14, 2020

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So uh. This is going to be a brief response and reaction to the game, minimum two paragraphs. You don't have to read my rambling, but if you want to, eat your heart out.

I had lost quite a bit of interest in the Gravity Falls fandom, but still wanted to get into the characters in depth. Since it's more done with Dipper and Mabel, I actually wanted to try and see if there was anything with my personal favorite character, Ford. In which I began searching, nothing much to see until around 3 pm, about 7 hours earlier from when I'm posting this comment.

Scrolling through for visual novels was kinda me giving up on the search. Then, I came across this game in particular. I swore for a second it was made by the creator. This was due to how accurate the graphics looked on the cover. I clicked on this lovely game, hoping to seek into it.

Once sure that the game would be fun, it downloaded. I extracted the files, pulled it up, and realized this game was so much better than what the page tells us that it is. The title screen was already absolutely gorgeous, so I knew that this game was going to be stunning.

With that, I was correct. This game is a graphic masterpiece, beyond what most could do in years. The artstyle for most of it was visually accurate to the original game, exceptions still being some of the best I've seen in a visual novel since Doki Doki Literature Club. 

And then I actually started up this game, and I was blown away even more. The dialogue, let alone descriptions, were gratifying. I love the story, the options, just everything! And this is coming from someone who has hardly done half of this game, just recently completing the Ford route. Stunning game, that is worth your time.