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A member registered Jan 24, 2023

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pleas. been playing this for 2 days now (i take breaks don't worry) but I've just noticed this while taking different routes for each character. 

but each one of the characters known for being a witch seems to remember you even tho you haven't met them on that route, been questioning it ever since I meant Titus once (ps. I already finish 1 conversation with him) then reset the route (since I did a mistake while taking billies' route<- first route I took) and Titus seems to remember me.

then met Avere on Ashton's route and she remembers me even tho I haven't talked to her during Ashton's route 

I noticed this because of the dialog where they'd asked you whether you have met before.

It was just interesting. cause when I take different routes only the witches seem to recognize me on each change/reset of each route while the others seem to act normally like ur a new student