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A member registered Mar 16, 2022

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i stumbled upon this game the other night, and played through what’s currently available in one sitting. it’s utterly beautiful and it struck me enough that i decided to write my first ever comment on a game, so sorry if something sounds off!

there’s so so so many options and the customization stunned me because for once i felt i didn’t need to sacrifice parts of myself or pick between what parts of my expressions i had to make my “main” focus; everything felt fantastically fluid. not only that, but i’ve been in sort of a creative block lately, but the writing has inspired me to get back to working on my own wips because it just was so amazing to read and digest. the worldbuilding and what i’ve seen so far of the characters shown have been very enjoyable (my personal favorites are luciel and ciocana…!), and the current cliffhanger has left me wanting to discover so much more.

i can’t wait to read more with future updates, thank you for making this beautiful game!