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A member registered Oct 05, 2023

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Well, I've been playing the new demo, and I've been enjoying it so far. Currently on Night 4. Glad that I've been supporting it on SubStar as well. However, I have encountered some bugs and have some gripes:

* Many of the girls' mechanics just don't seem well explained to me. Could be intentional, but currently I feel the first call only just lays out the basics. (Speaking of which, I had a hard time understanding him in certain points of the call) The posters hinting at them do help, as it's how I figured out Misty's mechanics, but some parts just feel like I'm stumbling through it. Why does Sammy sometimes show up in the office even with closed doors, and sometimes game end me? Why does she stay longer in the office sometimes than other times? How exactly does Ari work? I have no clue. As well as that, there are some detailed posters, mainly the one in the pump room, that are really hard to read, so it can seem like I'm missing vital information when I've been taught to read the posters for info. Again, I'm not sure if this is intentional or not, as FNAF and it's derivatives have historically been a game of trial & error, but just voicing my thoughts on it.

* The repair minigames can be finicky. Sometimes the pump room game doesn't properly register it being completed. As far as I can tell, it might be something to do with things happening in the background. Sometimes hovering over the trash bot while it's roaming will still give the outline like it's down. Speaking of the bot, I have a bit of a hard time finding the thing. I think it has fixed "down" locations, but sometimes the light will just stay yellow and I cannot find it for the life of me. Also, I have no idea what to do in the power box game, so I just start pressing randomly. Many times, I just have no idea what's broken. The only ones I've found so far are power, trash, and pump.

* Sometimes, you can interact with Poppi's bomb even when Sammy is in the office. Sometimes you can't. No idea if this is intended or not. Likewise, you can very easily get screwed if both Sammy and the bomb are in the office at the same time and you can't interact with it.

* I'm not sure how, but sometimes I manage to passively regenerate Sanity when the light is green after using the plushie, sometimes I don't. And sometimes, I manage to get maxed out sanity that never decreases. Again, no idea how this happens.

* When you're watching Nile, if you fill the heart while she's on a window, she'll stay there for a while, leaving you in a bit of a tough spot as to whether or not to leave the door open.

* Probably just comes with more characters being active, but later nights have given me some frame drops.

Regardless, many of these complaints are things that will probably be ironed out as the game nears a full release. Still very much enjoying this project!