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A member registered 36 days ago

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I was wondering if it would be possible to have an option for a different kind of legend, one that provides a prosaic description of each room (ie. only the features visible on the map, without any imagined details added).

For example:

1. This 20' x 30' rectangular room has a doorless archway on the north wall and a set of double doors on the east wall. A crate and some rubble is lying on the floor.

2. [Description of Room #2]


This would help LLMs or other AI models better understand the dungeon layout so they can generate themes and embellished room descriptions that more closely match the map.

Example Prompt:

"The attached image shows the layout of a dungeon. Please provide a theme or history for this dungeon, then write a detailed description of it including specifics for each of the numbered rooms."

Note that this would work best with unrotated maps, unless a "North" indicator is provided (and AI gets smarter).

Putting a circle with a number in it over each building will mar the aesthetic, but allows for the option to create two images of the village - one unmarked to present to players and another with the numbers for reference/lookup.